The perfectly paved 73 Freeway here in Orange County, with barely any cars. The ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system on the highways Costco, Trader Joe's, various hippie grocery stores and food co-ops.
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There are free samples at the supermarket But can you enjoy it? It's like drinking from the swimming pool. So, what do you think, Japanophiles? Were these things that surprised you? Something to add? Let’s hear it in the comments below.
The foreign guys dating beautiful Japanese girls are often ugly. The packets of condiments that you can easily open with one hand. There are still elevator girls who operate the elevator for you. The incredible variety of KitKat flavors. It’s so safe you can go walking around in the middle of the night with no problem. There are women-only cars on the trains. There are hot springs just for your feet. The ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system on the highways. The skill used in wrapping gifts and other purchases. People politely line up to wait for the train. There are power lines all over the place. A small-size drink is actually quite small. You can leave a bag to save your seat and no one will steal it. GPS is automatically included in rental cars. The quality and selection at 100 yen shops. People hand out free packets of tissues on the street. There are holes in the 5 and 50 yen coins. Touch-screen menus at bars and restaurants. The buttons to summon a waiter at family-style restaurants. You can find absolute masterpieces of pastry at cake shops. There are free samples at the supermarket. You can buy alcohol and tobacco from those ubiquitous vending machines. There are vending machines absolutely everywhere. The high likelihood of lost items being returned to you. The fruit is really delicious (There’s a lot of cross breeding). After exhaustive research (well, some research anyway), Rocket News has compiled this list of 46 things visitors to Japan find surprising. Even things that your average Japanese would consider completely commonplace and boring can be captivating for foreigners. Japan is a weird, amazing, amusing and confusing place, and I’m not just talking about the maid cafes and pornographic manga.